Getting good at training your dog takes time, patience, and energy. Not only will teaching tricks to your Pomsky benefit you, but it is also very entertaining for your dog. Pomskies love to learn and be trained, but it may not seem like that at the beginning. There are basic rules that each dog needs to learn to get their commands down to a T. These consist of Lead, Reward, Committed Practice, and Praise. Some of the best tricks your dog will be able to learn with these steps are roll-over, spin, crawl, leave it, high-five, stay, heel, lay down, and speak. In this article, we will be teaching the steps to sit, stay, and roll-over. Make sure to have all the supplies you want to use for your training. If your Pomsky is suffering from separation anxiety this may make it harder to train your dog. Master your Pomsky tricks (4 steps)Lead When you first start to train your dog, you will want each word to mean something to your dog. Make sure you communicate whatever it is you want them to do when you are training your Pomsky. If you are training your Pomsky to roll-over, you will want to help them roll over while you say the word roll-over (Do not use force). You can do this using your voice or a hand signal of some sort. If you try training your Pomsky without communication, it won’t work. The best way to start getting the hang of this is to start with the command “sit”. You will hold a treat in your hand and make sure your Pomsky can see it. When you know that your dog is aware of the treat, you will hold it in a your fist so they won’t be able to see it but can still smell it. This will make your Pomsky want to get the treat from your hand. While your dog does this, you will raise your hand still while touching its nose and gently moving your hand towards their back until they sit. Right as they start to sit, you will say the command “SIT” and give them the treat while saying “good boy/girl.” Reward Make sure to find your dog’s favorite type of food and treat and use that while you are training. When you have their favorite food it will be the most beneficial during their training. Usually, a dogs favorite kind of treat contains meat or kibble. If you don’t want to buy dog treats, you can always use deli meats or other types of meat during training. Committed Practice Take at least 15 mins out of each day to train your Pomsky. The more you practice, the easier it is for your dog to remember their commands. You will want to split up your training between 5-minute lessons throughout the day maybe even longer. Try to have at least three sessions a day with five or more minutes each. Morning, evening, and night will be the best times to practice each session. Make sure that you keep to a schedule. If your Pomsky knows what time to plan on practice, it will help your dog learn faster and keep its routine. Praise Praise is a part of rewarding but is a little different. While you want to give your Pomsky treats when they follow your command, you will also want to make sure you use vocal rewards as well. Saying “Good job” “Well done” or giving them a scratch and belly rub should also be included. While you will be using treats mostly for the first week or so, you will start to use less and less so that your Pomsky knows he needs to obey the command without receiving a treat. Never use punishments or yelling to get your dog to do something when it is not getting your command right. It is essential to keep calm and be patient, as your Pomsky is learning. You will never force or help your Pomsky with a trick other than moving your hand with their nose. Individual tricksBecause we’ve already gone over how to teach your Pomsky to sit, we will start with the simple “Stay” command. Having a schedule and training your dog will also help them get the proper sleep at night.
Stay For dogs that already have a few tricks they’ve picked up, teaching him to stay will be easy. If this is your dog’s first lesson, it’s not a difficult trick to master. This trick is handy when you are trying to get your Pomsky to wait for its food or if visitors are coming over. Start by helping your dog to get in the sit position. Praise your Pomsky and give it a treat. While your dog is in the sit position you will have a treat in your other hand pinched between your thumb and index finger and say the command “Stay” count to three in your head and then say “Good boy/girl” and give your Pomsky a treat. Roll-over For this trick, you will need 3-5 treats at a time. This trick is split up into 3-4 steps follow as listed. Step 1 Lead your Pomsky by showing it a treat and then grasping it in your hand. Press the treat up to your dog’s nose and pull to the ground. Your Pomsky should then follow your hand with its nose and be in a laying down position. If they are sitting down, you will need to wait until they are lying. You will then say “Good boy/girl” and let your dog have the treat. Step 2 For this step, you will need to follow your hand from the ground to your Pomskies back shoulder. Once your dog’s nose is facing his shoulder, you will say “Good boy/girl” and give it a treat. Step 3 Once your Pomsky has reached its back shoulder, you will start to move your hand towards your dogs spine. Once your dog’s nose is near its spine, you will say “Good boy/girl” and release the treat. Step 4 Once your Pomskies nose is at his spine, you will move your hand to the floor on the opposite side you started on, and that is when he will finish his rolling over. To help with this, you will need to put the treat on the floor away from your Pomsky. Then your Pomsky will be able to make the finishing motion. After you have completed all the steps, practice it 4 or 5 more times, and then you will begin to eliminate the middle steps one at a time until you are only left with one motion. Do not ever force or use harsh tones to get your Pomsky to roll-over. If you do this while training, your Pomsky will begin to resist later and will have less fun. To do the other tricks, you will need to follow the same pattern and use rewards for each small step. Thank you for reading this article “How to teach your Pomsky Tricks.” This article was intended to help you get a better understanding of how to teach your Pomsky tricks with easy to follow steps. If you are interested in adding a Brookside Pomsky to your family, you can check out our Pomsky Puppies for sale or fill out an application. Congratulations on your journey of becoming a fantastic dog owner.
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