Many people ask, "What is a blue Pomsky?" Well, the proper term is blue dilute, which is one of the rarest coat colors genetically. Their coat looks like a charcoal blueish gray color. The Genetics report show dd as the coat color. It's hard to capture the actual color in pictures. You need to have good lighting to really see the beautiful blue coat color in pictures. A blue Pomsky takes years to create. Genetically blue comes from the Pomeranian Side; however, a handful of huskies do carry the blue gene Dd. In Pomskies, most F1 Pomskies can not be blue (dd), but they can be Dd (carry blue), which means if they were bred to another Dd Pomsky, they could possibly get F2 blue (dd) puppies. Even with the right genetics, you don't always get blue dd puppies. The Pomsky puppy rarely receives both copies of dd from both parents. Blue Pomskies are so unique it's a big deal in the breeder world. Breeders get really excited because there are just a few blue Pomskies out there! With the right genetics and good breeding lines, you can get some amazing colors. Of course. my favorite coat color is blue dd.
If you are interested in getting a blue Pomsky, fill out our Adoption Application and get your name on the list. Our rare Blue Pomsky puppies go very quickly and are rarely available to the public.