Did you just adopt a Pomsky with no idea what you are going to name it? Well, Brookside Pomskies is here to help! We have some of the top names for your dog. Check out our selection
Boy and Girl Pomsky Names A
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![]() So, you've seen a Pomsky online, and now you're thinking about adding this pet to your family. But, having a variety of pets can be frustrating if they don't get along, so the question comes up. If I get a Pomsky, will it get along with my other pets? You're in luck! A Pomsky is a mixture of two amazing dog breeds, the Siberian Husky and the Pomeranian. Like the husky dog breed, Pomskies are born with excellent leadership abilities making them want to lead or be led with a pack. Pomskies are a great fit for families with other pets. Their fun and energetic temperament works perfectly with all types of animals, especially other dogs. What to do if you want your Pomsky to get along with your other pets If your Pomsky is having a tough start and isn't doing well with the other pets in the home, it may have some jealousy issues. Make sure to always take time to spend with your Pomsky, such as taking it on walks, playing games like fetch and tug, and giving it the daily scratch it needs. It's also possible that your Pomsky might be having separation anxiety from missing its previous home. Make sure to try to make your Pomsky feel at home as much as possible, by giving it its own space for its food and bed. A spot that only belongs to them. Are Pomskies Good Pets? If you are still uncertain whether to add this designer dog to your family, you are probably wondering if a Pomsky will be a good pet. But, like with other decisions in life, it depends. I feel that different breeds work better with certain personalities. For example, if you like to relax and sit back after a long day at work, then finding a dog that wants the same will work best with your personality and lifestyle. Pomskies temperament is energetic, loving, bold, and intelligent. If you are active and love playing around, this dog is perfect for you. It's also an excellent fit for a family with kids because their energy usually matches well with each other. Important things to consider Training is essential If you are going to be adding this breed to your amazing family, it is essential that it is trained. Especially if you will be around other dogs or pets. Because of their hyper and energetic personalities, Pomskies can get hard to handle without the right training in hand. They have a lot of energy Pomskies love to play and be involved in family activities. You may want to consider having a pet that can match that and be an enjoyment for your Pomsky. If not, you will want to match that energy level yourself to help your Pomsky feel fulfilled in its activities and lifestyle. If you are looking to add an adorable Pomsky puppy into your home, Brookside Pomskies is the place to go. We have an amazing variety of available Pomskies for you to choose from and you also have the option to have your Pomsky trained by us before you add the new addition into your family. Visit our Pomsky puppies for sale or submit an adoption application to get started. When a Pomsky gets separated from its home and parents, it can cause separation anxiety. Separation anxiety doesn’t just happen for a Pomsky. It’s also common in most household pets. Don’t be alarmed; there’s a cure. Helping your Pomsky feel at home and feel loved is going to take some time and patience, but it will catch up to you soon, don’t worry. What are the symptoms of Separation Anxiety?If you notice any of these symptoms your pup could be suffering from separation anxiety. The symptoms include: Howling or barking excessively, repeated escapes, scratching or pawing on the door to return home, biting and chewing. What are the Causes of Separation Anxiety?Knowing precisely what is causing your pup to have anxiety is the best way that you will be able to fix it. If you can correctly find out what is causing your pet to feel lonely, you can use the tips that fit the best with that. Because there are so many various causes of separation, we will go over the most common causes. Most causes can be easily identified and often resemble a child’s separation anxiety. You may not be able to be home with your pet as much as you would like to. If your Pomsky was used to having a companion with them during the day, this might be causing the anxiety. This can be easily cured through time or including another playmate into the family. If you achieved your Pomsky through a shelter or home, they might have had a traumatic experience that might relate to being adopted into your home. This can go away with continued love and affection for your pup. The most common type of separation anxiety is from a change of routine and schedule. If they are used to bigger meals and more exercise and having a strict schedule when they eat, that might be why they are suffering from separation anxiety. This can cause your Pomsky to be whiny, have excessive barking, and lose sleep at night. How does your pet notice when you change the routine? Just like most humans, they need to be able to rely on the things around them to be the same each time. If you are on a schedule at your home, you know that even one change can cause stress to your body and also make you lose sleep. Routines become apart of their lifestyle, and their body gets used to what always happens. Call the previous owners to see if there is something specific you have changed in their routine to see if that can be causing the anxiety. Steps you can take to reduce Separation AnxietyHave a Home EnvironmentMake sure that your Pomsky feels at home by giving them the perfect amount of love and attention. You can also help your dog feel at home by making sure they have a specific place to sleep and by giving them toys and dog essentials that belong to them. Include Exercise and ActivitiesAs we said in a previous paragraph, one of the common forms of separation anxiety is when a puppy doesn’t have the same routine or receives less attention. If you want to fix this, you may need to start including more personal playtime with your Pomsky. Go for a walk or exercise outside by playing tug-a-war or fetch. Always give them about an hour of your attention every day and provide them with something to focus their time on when you can’t be there. Give them something to do while you are at workIf you are going to be out of the house while your Pomsky is there, you need to have a way for them to occupy themselves. Other than taking naps and staying in a cage. Sometimes just giving them a playmate is enough. If they can have another pet with them while you are away, they won’t feel as lonely and will have more love for you when you come home. If you have a toy that you can unassemble, fill it with Peanut Butter to keep them entertained. Giving Your Pomsky HopeSometimes the separation anxiety doesn’t come from missing their old family but comes from missing you. If your Pomsky is known to wait by the door until you come home or is lying down while you are away, that is a sign they miss you and are waiting for you to go back. Giving them hope that you will return is always an excellent way to help them with their anxiety. Grab an item you recently wore or an object you know carries your scent and give it to your Pomsky while you are away. Make sure not to make it a big deal when you arrive or leave because this can make them miss you more and have more significant anxiety while you are gone. ConclusionIf you still have a problem with your Pomskies separation anxiety, go to your local vet and ask them to examine your pup. Ask him if there are any medications you can give your puppy to help. If you are uncertain about putting your dog on the medication, you can also try hiring a pet sitter for when you are away. Pet sitters can give your dog love when you can’t be there and keep them entertained so they won’t continue having anxiety.
If you are interested in adopting a Pomsky Puppy you can go to our available puppies page to have a look at some of our available Pomskies or you can fill out an application. Thank you for reading our article. Have a fantastic day and check out our blog posts if you want to know more facts or helpful tips about the Pomsky breed. How much sleep should Pomskies get?Pomskies, like most dogs, take a lot of naps during the daytime, sometimes the total amount of sleep they get can be up to 14 hours each day if you include the naps. If you are having difficulty with your Pomsky getting sleep at night, there could be things inside their routine that are causing them to lose that sleep. Pomskies have lots of energy and excitement, and they are super active during the day, which usually helps them get more sleep during the night. If your Pomsky is not getting the rest it needs, we can help! The list below includes a few things that may be causing your Pomsky to lose sleep and what you can do to help them. Not enough exercisePomskies need exercise as a way of releasing their excitement and energy. Without the proper amount of exercise, your Pomsky can get tired more often throughout the day, and energy may start to build up during the night. If your Pomskies seem to be sleeping a lot during the day and is only having trouble during the night, this may be why, and they will need to have more routine activities to stop this from happening. Exercises, such as running around the house or chasing a toy, does not count as an activity. Your Pomsky needs to go on a walk or be able to get some real exercise outside of the house. If this is the reason your Pomsky is losing sleep, you will notice some boredom or sleeping throughout the day. To fix this, you will need to get some equipment that can keep them moving around or take them on a walk at least once a day. Usually, it is more beneficial for your Pomsky to have an activity with its owner so that your puppy can feel more love and feel fulfilled. SicknessIf your Pomsky is acting more tired than usual and is taking naps 1 hour in between each other, your Pomsky may be sick and could even have hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a sickness that is most common in dogs before the age of 6 months. To ensure that your puppy does not have this type of illness, rub some honey on their gums, and if they start to get more hyper and less tired, that may be a sign to take them to the vet. Other types of illness can also be the reason that your puppy is getting more or less tired. To test this out; you may need to take your Pomskies temperature and try playing some games with it. If your Pomsky doesn't come when you call and continues to lay down, try giving them a treat or holding their favorite toy when you call them. If they continue to stay where they are and look tired, that could be a sign; you need to take them to the vet. Once a Pomsky gets older, it will start getting tired more quickly and will take more naps throughout the day. This shouldn't be a sign for concern unless the Pomsky is whining or having a hard time sleeping at night. MedicationIf you've put your Pomsky on some medication and they are getting sleepy more frequently, it could just be the medication. Check with a vet as soon as possible. See if it is a common side effect or if they should be taking a smaller dosage. Things that can help your Pomsky stay asleep at nightHaving a personal room or areaLeaving your Pomsky home while you are at work means that they are left without a companion. Without something to keep them occupied and energetic, they can start falling asleep more while you are away, and that could cause them to have less sleep during the night. If you want to fix this, I suggest you have a separate room for them to playin that includes extra toys and equipment. You can also try giving your dog a buddy or another pet to play with during the day while you can't be home. A buddy can help your Pomsky get energy and exercise while your gone. Having a ScheduleWhen you are home or away, it is wise that you have a specific schedule with your Pomsky. When you do this, your Pomsky will fall into a routine and know exactly what time you expect them to fall asleep at night this may even help if you're having trouble with their whining. If you have a schedule, you can also make it easier to keep them asleep all night, not including their potty breaks. Here are a few things you should include in your schedule. Feel free to rearrange these as you'd like and create the time frame that works for you.
Pomskies are great dogs by nature, but when they whine, it’s hard to know what to do. That’s where we come in. Training your Pomsky to stop barking and whining is easier than you think as long as you have patience and are willing to show lots of love and affection when getting there. In this article, we are going to tell you the top 5 things you can do to get your Pomsky to quiet down and whine less often. Before we get started, it is always wise to know that if your Pomsky has just started to whine and it is very uncommon for them there may be a medical concern and you should always check with your vet to make sure they are okay. For starters you will want to search around the house and check the dogs surroundings. If you notice something unusual such as a package that your dog could have gotten, it is likely may may have eaten something that could be harmful to their body. However, If you've recently bought your Pomsky within the last month it is very common for them to whine, so don't be alarmed. The time period that your Pomsky starts to whine will be between four to six months, and that is when you will need to implement these actions. Older dogs may be harder to train. Give your dog plenty of exercisesGiving your Pomsky enough exercise is a miracle worker as far as whining. If you give it enough exercise throughout the day, your Pomsky will feel loved and accomplished and will be a lot calmer. Professional trainers have stated that giving your dog exercise that includes time with their owner will increase their satisfaction. Keep your Pomsky on a scheduleSet up a plan for your Pomsky. This will help them to know precisely when and how they will receive their food and exercise. If you are strict with their diet and routine, they won’t feel the need to whine in order to show you they are hungry or need training. Most puppies will wine when they feel like they aren’t getting enough of something or when they want more attention. If you start giving them more attention one day, but slow it down throughout the rest of the week, your Pomsky will feel like you’ve forgotten about them and try to regain the care they had before by whining. Give your Pomsky a MassageJust like humans, dogs sometimes feel stressed or anxious, and having a relaxing, meaningful massage is a great way to relieve some of those stress hormones. To get them to calm down, try rubbing the parts of their back that seem tense or stiff. On this topic it is also important that you never reward their whining behavior. If you begin to massage them while they are whining they will continue to whine in order to receive what they want. Instead ignore the whining and once they stop immediately reward them for stopping by giving them a massage or treat. Healthy DietGiving your pomsky a healthy nutritious diet will help tremendously when you are trying to train and calm down your dog. If your Pomsky continues to whine or bark throughout the day, there might be something in its food that is making it hyper or overactive. Make sure to go to a vet if you have any concerns with allergies or to see of any issues your dog may have. If your dog does not receive the right amount of protein that can also make it hyperactive. Use foods that have ingredients like fish, white rice, and lots of meats. MedicationSome dogs require medicine to help with their digestion or other issues going on inside their body. Talk to a vet and see if there are any prescriptions that you can give your dog to help them calm down. If the medicine you are using is causing them to sleep more throughout the day or if they seem less active than before you should stop taking that medication immediately and consult with your doctor. At Brookside Pomskies, we make it our goal to give our dogs the best health possible and continue to do whatever we can for our dogs. Your satisfactory is our goal. If you are interested in buying a Pomsky puppy from us, you can visit our available puppies on our website or fill out an application. Thank you for visiting our site have a fantastic day!